STAY GOLD. That’s what I tell my friends and cousins when they, too, hit the big 5-0. This blog is an effort to stay true to myself, as the phrase implies. As for innocence, well, that went out the window some time ago. I hope that here you’ll find glints of familiarity, glimmers of truth, and some sparkle of laughter. Many women find themselves feeling very ALONE at this point in their lives, for many different reasons. I wanted to reach out, to connect, to embrace the madness of midlife and get a little more crazy with it. Currently inspired by great women who have made or who are making a difference in the world, like Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Gloria Steinem, and Kamala Harris, I know that I want to be a voice for change.
A storyteller by habit and by trade, I usually spend time writing, directing, and creating happiness for a major entertainment company. Here, the ideas are all my own – unless I’ve credited or tagged someone else, of course – and the thoughts expressed here are no reflection on my employer. During the “Great Pause” of 2020, I’ve found myself with more time to write! I wrote a travel guide for Anaheim, a town that is currently in desperate need of tourists. Greater Than a Tourist – Anaheim was published by CZYK Publishing in September 2020.
As a married lesbian mother of teenaged boy/girl twins, as a college-educated professional cis woman of Polish descent, a native Californian who resides behind the Orange Curtain, I’ve seen some things. And I’m constantly learning. I read, I research, and connect with others to gain greater understanding of the world we share. The current happenings in the country and in the world have thrown me for more of a loop than the start of my perimenopausal journey, and I know I’m definitely not alone.
To find out more about my professional life, please see my page at I welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions! Drop me a line at